Many of you may be of the opinion that there is no fast way to learn a subject. And when the subject is none other than chemistry, learning it quickly may seem beyond your bounds. Shibapratim Bagchi, a chemistry teacher with a distinguishing experience in teaching, says that we all create boundaries in our minds. Breaking these boundaries only requires determination.
To help you come out of these boundaries, Mr. Bagchi has laid out 4 easy tips. Try out these tips to learn chemistry quickly.
Tip 1: Make Notes While You Study
As per Mr. Bagchi, many students prefer to read chemistry concepts and understand them as they go. While this will surely help them understand the concept, to retain it making notes will be the most effective approach. When you make notes while studying, you are able to retain that concept for longer.
Tip 2: Practice Chemistry Every Day
There are chances that you might not be practicing chemistry each day. Certain students prefer devoting long hours to this subject on particular days instead of studying it daily. As per S. Bagchi Classes, practicing chemistry every day is one of the habits of the students who excel at this subject. You should try it too.
Tip 3: Take Regular Breaks in-between Study Sessions
When you are studying a subject like chemistry that requires focus and attention, you should take breaks in between. Take out the last 10 minutes of every hour you put into studying this subject. Devote these 10 minutes to a physical activity such as a short walk.
Tip 4: Try to Avoid Rote Learning
The most important of all tips is to skip rote learning once and for all. This way of learning chemistry may work for some students but it will not help you retain the information for long. Since retaining your learning of chemistry is important, you should try to understand the subject.
Put these 4 easy tips to use. You will be
surprised with your quick improvement in the subject. If you liked this blog,
then do share it with friends whom you would like to help!
For more info, check Bagchi Sir Chemistry
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